All facilities, campuses and microgrids that have utility meters, energy meters, energy management systems or SCADA systems will benefit from use of the Touch. The Touch is designed to stream information between all energy devices and the cloud. Coupled with the powerful MelRok cloud analytics, the Touch is used for energy monitoring, automated measurement and verification, automated demand response, demand management, as well as EMS performance evaluation and optimization, SCADA evaluation and optimization.
The Touch is a universal Energy IoT router capable of connecting with new and legacy systems. The Touch can interface over multiple layers, including RS-485, Ethernet, pulse counter, ZigBee, and Wi-Fi and over multiple communication protocols, including BACnet, SNMP, Modbus, ZigBee SEP, and other published protocols.
The Touch can be used in a small enterprise where there is only a smart meter and maybe a wall thermostat, to large campuses with multiple EMS, SCADA and energy metering systems.