Colleges and Universities
Optimize energy use, advance sustainability, and enable staff to streamline facility and asset operations across your campus with root cause analysis. Deploy our integrated solution on top of existing building automation systems without disruption. Melrok optimizes your existing buildings and assets, regardless of existing instrumentation and software capabilities. Solutions we provide include:

Data Management
- Stream BAS/BMS, energy management system, and other source data from your facilities and assets to the cloud for analysis and reporting
- Share your facility and energy data with service providers using automated and secure APIs
Energy Management
- View detailed, accurate real time energy use and cost by building and systems (HVAC, lighting, plug load)
- Receive alerts for out-of-boundary energy use, cost, or activity
- Melrok’s EM&V solution meets the requirements of CA Prop. 39, and qualifies for utility ADR incentives.
- Comply with LEED Version 4, California Title 24, IPMVP options B and C, and automate the collection and analysis of data for ASHRAE Level 2 audits
- Measure, verify and report the ROI of energy upgrades and investments

Energy Supply Optimization
- Assess and track performance of your renewable energy projects
- Forecast near term and long term energy demand based on usage and weather patterns
- Automate participation in demand response programs
Facility Management
- Automate building control and add value on top of existing, siloed operational systems.
- Automatically integrate with work order management solutions to ensure facilities staff act on the insights

Sustainability Management
- Benchmark facilities within your portfolio to identify poor performers
- Automatically calculate carbon emissions for public disclosures
- Engage faculty and students with custom energy dashboards
- Track progress towards reduction targets and goals
- Calculate complex time-of-use carbon emissions estimates
Whether you own, manage or service a building or a portfolio of buildings, MelRok can streamline your operations and reduce your facility and energy expenses. We make the most of your existing assets, at one building or across a whole enterprise, and avoid costly and unnecessary hardware upgrades and excessive implementation labor expenses.