
Efficient Energy Systems

9 Dec 2018

You want to maximize your return on investment. Dr. Michel Kamel reminds us that about 30% of the energy used in commercial buildings is wasted. In addition, almost 50% of related costs may not be linked to how much energy was used but how fast it's being used.

Other systems may reduce usage but not the cost penalties associated with how fast you use the energy. In some cases, they may even amplify them. As an example, with solar energy as a cloud passes by, you can now suddenly demand from the grid a lot more energy than you did a few minutes before. That speed by which you take energy from the grid you are being charged for. This is about half your bill in the summertime if you're a commercial user.

So when you consider renewable energy systems investments, the first thing you want to do is identify and manage the waste energy in new buildings and also manage your energy costs to reduce these cost penalties associated with how fast and when you are using energy. That's why you need to invest in an energy platform - the much lower investment, the much higher returns that would also amplify the benefits of other energy investments.

MelRok Energy Platform

9 Dec 2018

Dr. Michel Kamel, CEO / Founder MelRok Energy Platforms comments on why MelRok's Energy Platform isn't already massively deployed. "The main reason is the cloud is so new - it didn't exist a few years ago. And so, it wasn't even available for deployment. But another aspect is that it's foreign to people and people don't realize they need it.

I'll give you an example. Think of TiVO a few years back. When TiVO first came out people had VCRs and people would say I don't need it - Ive got my VCR, I can record with it and I can fast forward if I need to skip a commercial. Well, there's a big difference between TiVo and a VCR and after you starty using it, you can't live without it today. We are the TiVo of the energy industry except that we're TiVO on steroids.

We are transfoming the energy industry the way TiVO transformed the video recording and entertainment industry. We're so confident or our technology and its benefits that if it doesn't pay back in less than 6 months, we'll give you your money back. If we don't save you more money than it costs you, we'll give you your money back. I don't think even TiVO did that."